Information for Gallery Owners / Management
The 'End to End Trail' exhibition is designed to be easily installed with a wide range of display options available. The exhibition consists of 126 paintings mounted on 42 A2 foam boards with 3 paintings on each board. As they are lightweight boards, minimal hanging facilities are required. Each board is 420mm wide and has two 15mm 'D' rings spaced 300mm apart. The boards can be hung directly on STAS or similar hanging systems. They are designed so that it is possible to connect boards vertically as required with hidden connectors. Each board is 594mm high
The work is divided into 6 sections with a small title board for each section. 3 optional A1 information boards are also available showing the route taken along with brief descriptions of the trek.
An example with 2 and 3 boards combined showing the first two sections of the trek in 6 columns along with one information board (click on link for a bigger image):

The original artwork is not for sale. A small selection of the work can be seen here
Framed prints are available to order for any of the works on display. You take orders, pass us the details and we will get them manufactured and delivered to your customers. Normal discounts apply. The frames are made by a long established manufacturer and the prints produced on acid free art paper backed by conservation board using a professional 12 colour pigment ink based printer to ensure longevity.
We have two books detailing the trek and the paintings as shown in my Books section in this website. We will supply you with stock of the books on a sale or return basis with a suitable discount.
If you are interested please get in touch on the Contact page.